My friends and I went out to this cool R&B club. The temperature was hot so we all made sure
Black Angelika is alright 🙂 See more images and video in the members section of SandraShineLive
Hot girls night out!
Posted: 27th May 2011 by Sandra Shine in DiaryTags: black angelika, blue angel, cindy hope, eve angel, sandra shine, sandrashinelive
Funny picture! So that’s you,Cindy Hope and Eve Angel about to attack Angelica Black’s breasts. Have I got that right?
Love you forever Sandra the way you seem so at ease in your own skin and smiley and happy…love that mole on the left of your best-in-the-world breasts.Love the distinctive unique dark hole in your perfect tight pussy when it is stretched. In short Sandra Shine (Judit Rios) you are a joy to the world and I thank-you very much from the bottom of my heart to the tip of my cock for affording me so much satisfying relieving emissions over the last decade.We will never meet but harmless fantasising about you has immeasurably added to my happiness and provided much needed relief from an often harsh and depressing world.
xxxxxxxxxx<3<3<3<3<3 Sandra Forever!!! <3<3<3<3<3xxxxxxxxxx